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WordPress Interview Questions

WordPress is a free open source content management system (CMS) written PHP language and licensed under GPL. It allows users to create dynamic websites from personal blogs to e-commerce. Wordpress's current stable version as on Sept 2019 of WordPress is 5.2.3. You can download it free without any cost from
First version of wordress is released in Year 2003.
  1. PHP 7 or greater
  2. MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.0 or greater
  3. The mod_rewrite Apache module
  4. HTTPS support(Recommended)
WordPress powers more than 28% of the web and this figure is not limited it rises every day.Everything from simple websites, to blogs, to complex portals and enterprise websites, and even applications, are built with WordPress. Here are some of the features of WordPress
  1. It’s Simplicity
  2. Easier publishing tools
  3. Search Engine Optimized
  4. User Management
  5. Media Management
  6. Easy Theme System
  7. Custom Content Types
  8. Easy Installation and Upgrades
WordPress Plugins are a piece of code that contains one or more functions written to extend and add to the functionality of an existing WordPress website. The core of WordPress is designed to be lean and lightweight, to maximize flexibility and minimize code bloat. Plugins then offer custom functions and features so that each user can tailor their site to their specific needs. Below is the list of plugins that comes with WordPress installation.
  1. Akismet
  2. Hello Dolly
There are two types hooks are available in WordPress, action hooks and filter hooks They allow the user to, with short snippets of code, modify areas in a theme or plugin without modifying the original file.
Posts and Pages are the two content types in WP. Posts are timed and listed in chronological order with the latest posts at the top. Posts are meant to be shared and commented on. Pages are static are static content, so an about us, contact us page etc. They are permanent and timeless entries.
An Action hook in WordPress is a hook that is triggered at a specific time when WordPress is running and lets you take an action. This can include things like creating a widget when WordPress is initializing or sending a Tweet when someone publishes a post.
A Filter hook in WordPress allows you get and modify WordPress data before it is sent to the database or the browser. Some examples of filters would include customizing how excerpts are displayed or adding some custom code to the end of a blog post or headings.
You can enable debug mode in WP by editing wp-config.php file and changing WP_DEBUG constant value to true
In WordPress, a “taxonomy” is a grouping mechanism for some posts (or links or custom post types). There are four default taxonomies in WordPress they are
  • Category
  • Tag
  • Link Category
  • Post Formats