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CSS Interview Questions

CSS is called "Cascading Stylesheet",which is used for look and feel of a website.
There are following three types of CSS:
  1. Inline
  2. Internal
  3. External
Example of Inline Css:
<p style="color:colorname;"></p >
Example of Internal Css:
<style> p{ //properties } </style > Example of External Css:
it is writeen in seperate file having extension .css and our properties are expalin in this file
In CSS classes are defined by . and id is defined by #
<style> .classname{ //properties } #idname{ //properties } </style>
There are Following types of Selectors in CSS:
  1. Class Selector
  2. Id Selector
  3. Element Selector
  4. Universal Selectors
  5. Group Selectors